VALRAG is a program dedicated to offering ritual assistance to those Blue Lodges in need of help in conferring the three Craft degrees of Freemasonry. The concept of the program is to build a database of Brethren from which to draw from if the Valley is asked to provide help to a given Lodge in need or the services of Valrag.

We have added a new username and password security measure to the VALRAG section. In order to get these, please contact Tom Hamilton.

Please note that even though this is a Scottish Rite program, you do not need to be a member of Scottish Rite to participate. If you are into working the Craft degrees and wish to help out in anyway, simply go to the Valley of South Bend’s website at and go to the “Valrag” option. Once there you will go to “add a new member” and fill out the parameters. You do not need to fill out all the personal information, just enough so you can be contacted. If a brother slating a degree contacts the officer assigned to monitor Valrag and asks for certain lectures to be performed,the officer will then type in the parameters and provide names and a means to contact them as the list dictates.

If you have already submitted your information to enter Valrag thank you very much. For those interested please take the time to enter this program as it is truly a brotherly effort to make sure our Lodges continue to provide a solid base from which our new candidates can build from.

If you are in need of help with Degree Work, you can email Tom Hamilton or Call him @ 574 536 8129

Read 4782 times
Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Valley of South Bend
 427 North Main St. South Bend, IN 46601
Phone: (574) 233-3158

Northern Light