Become a 32° Mason

Membership Information

Although there is no higher degree than that of a Master Mason, the 29 degrees of the Scottish Rite serve to enrich the philosophy of the Symbolic Lodge. A Mason who chooses to further his Masonic experience by becoming a 32° Scottish Rite Mason will be expanding upon the fundamental principles of Freemasonry.

In the Scottish Rite, you will indeed find an untold wealth of knowledge. It will teach you more about Masonry. It will answer some of the questions raised in the Blue Lodge degrees. It is a sort of “graduate course” in Masonic teachings. In fact, it aids, supplements and reinforces the Blue Lodge in every way. As organizations, these Bodies are mutually dependent because they strengthen each other.

By becoming Scottish Rite, you have an opportunity to expand upon your knowledge of Freemasonry, to widen your circle of friends, and to serve humanity in unique ways.

For more information about the Scottish Rite and Freemasons, contact the Scottish Rite Valley nearest you. If you are ready to begin your Scottish Rite journey, please complete and print the petition at the link below. Contact your local Valley for information on initiation fees, degree dates and any questions you may have.

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Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Valley of South Bend
 427 North Main St. South Bend, IN 46601
Phone: (574) 233-3158

Northern Light