Truman Medal Presented to a South Bend Valley Scottish Rite Mason

On April 15, 2023 Brother Leonard Crofford, 32°, of the Valley of South Bend, was presented the Harry S. Truman Award for Outstanding Citizenship. Serendipitously, he also celebrated his 102 birthday the same day. Brother Crofford had relocated to Southern Illinois to be closer to his family. Due to the distance from his home Valley, Ill. Greg Clark, 33°, Deputy for Illinois, Ill. Randy Milone, 33°, Active from Illinois, and Ill. Henry Haisch, 33°, made the courtesy presentation of this medal.

Brother Crofford had twenty-five family members and friends to witness the presentation and celebrate his birthday. All enjoyed some delicious cake and ice cream! During the presentation, Brother Crofford shared some stories about being a Navy veteran of WWII and his time spent in Hawaii.

Please see the photos below documenting the presentation.

The Illustrious Harry S. Truman Award for Outstanding Citizenship may be conferred by the Supreme Council or the Sovereign Grand Commander upon any person, male or female, for outstanding leadership and citizenship in the recipient’s locality, state, or country. This prestigious award also may be conferred upon a person rendering exemplary and conspicuous service to the Scottish Rite or Freemasonry at large.

On behalf of Illustrious Paul St.Pierre, 33°, Deputy for Indiana, the Actives and officers of the INCOD, we congratulate Bro. Leonard Crofford, 32° for this distinction.

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Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Valley of South Bend
 427 North Main St. South Bend, IN 46601
Phone: (574) 233-3158

Northern Light